Two-piece bands that kick major ass!

“Man, you make a lot of noise for half a band” is among the most flattering lines I’ve heard while playing with Feedbacker. Two-piece bands are raising an eyebrow or two all around the world and many people are still surprised that such thing exists. While certainly not being the norm, this compact format isn’t exactly unheard of in many genres. To be honest, I wasn’t familiar with many of my now favorite duos before I actually got to play in one. It is actually amazing how much is accomplished within the “restrictions” that the two-piece frame usually comes with!

People play multiple instruments, dive deeper in exploring effects pedals, time-based units, loopers, synths, or just use raw energy to make their instrument of choise capable of filling the imaginary void of what a rock band should sound like. Many artists don’t follow a norm at all, describing new boundaries with their art. Moving a step aside from the typical rock or metal genres, a duo isn’t exactly uncommmon in the noise/impro scene, worldwide. So, many of the two-piece bands I like are somehow connected with free-form or improvisational music, like Lighning Bolt, Ruins or Body/Head. I can talk or write about that matter for hours, but nah… fuck that.

Instead, here’s a list of two-piece noise-rock(ish) bands that I really dig. The “noise rock” is very deliberately used here, since I don’t really care about that kind of shit anymore. Let’s just say I like my music heavy and noisy and it’s obviously (mostly) rock-based, so yeah, you get the picture.

Two-piece bands that I have known and loved


godheadSilo is a noise rock duo based in Olympia, Washington (but originally from Fargo, North Dakota) and one of the first noise rock bands I’ve ever heard. Keep in mind that this was way before the internet and YouTube was a thing, so I totally didn’t know they were a duo. They originally started as a three-piece with Phil Leitch on guitar, Mike Kunka on bass and Dan Haugh on drums.  However, Leitch left the band right after their first show at Fargo’s Moose Lodge in 1991. From then on, godheadSilo continued as a two-piece.  They fucking rule.


Jem & Jace are from Melbourne, Australia and are one of the raddest bands I’ve ever heard. I really would love to share a stage with these two. They rip and they also run the We Empty Rooms label.

Nü Sensae

Nü Sensae are some punks from Canada who started out as a duo (but now have a guitar player). I really like them as a two-piece, but I have to say they sound even better with guitar. So, no damage done. Here’s a favorite from back when they were a duo. And, man… Daniel Pitout is one hell of a drummer…


beehoover are from Germany I think, and they play my fave blend of slower, creeping, distorted and heavy music. Check them out.

I just found out they also have this killer song called Stanislav Petrov, fuck if I know why!


Well, Jucifer are one of the first two-piece bands that I’m into… beautiful woman shredding before a wall of amplifiers, a hard hitting drummer, constantly touring and living in a fucking trailer/truck, killer music… what’s not to love. Their gig in Sofia was amazing. ❤


An amazing two-piece from Sarajevo, these guys are the best! You go and check them out. Right. Now. Instrumental minimalist masterpiece. Bass VI and killer drumming from Hell. Pretty much everything about this band is OK in my book. Hope we meet soon and play some shows together!


Talbot are from Estonia. They are heavy. I really love their shit. Their shit is really heavy. I can listen to that all day long. They have played in Sofia and I have missed their show being the dumb cunt that I am. Hope they come again or I go elswhere to see them.

Pucker Up

I found out about these guys just recently, and fuck man… they’re one of the most unique bands I’ve heard lately. Weird third-bridge guitar work, totally out of the box approach to songwriting and lots and lots of energy. Punk, noise rock, no wave, you name it, it’s really something. These guys are relatively small band but I’d love to see them go bigger and do a European tour or something.

Rita Mosss

Rita Mosss are a fucking fury live. They come from Athens, Greece and I fucking love them. It’s probably the only other two-piece band we shared the stage with, and it was a pleasurable experience!


MAW are a UK two-piece and I’ve been enjoying them a lot lately. Check them out.

Neopit Pilski

Once upon a time Neopit Pilski was a three-piece, but in the recent years operate as a duo. These are fantastic blokes and we’ve played some shows together with my old band KPD-0. Neopit Pilski are based in Germany, but they sing in Bulgarian, which is always lovely.

There’s a lot more two-piece bands that I love, but maybe I will spare that for another time. Hope you enjoyed these and found at least one new favorite.

Shentov | Feedbacker

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